Our steel. For future.

The transition from industrialization to the age of digitality opens up numerous possibilities with which the steel industry can actively shape the future. This also became clear at the industry meeting organized by Stahl Krebs – the StahlMAHLZEIT 2023. The futurologist Max Thinius dared to look back and forward together.

The Stahl Krebs brand won the German Brand Award in the category "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation - Brand Communication Web & Mobile" - thank you very much!


Excellent quality. Enormous diversity.

From quality, high-grade structural steel, and tool steel to stainless martensitic steel – here at Stahl Krebs you will find high-quality steel for your business. And if you have very particular requirements, together we will find the perfect solution. Discover our products.



For your demand. For your success.

The right advice, the right processing: Because steel has so many facets, you need a partner who is intimately familiar with it. We know steel inside out - for more than 135 years. Benefit from our experience, our service and our worldwide connections.



Sophisticated industries. Well-known customers.

From classic cutlery and medical products to hand tools, automotive and high-tech industries: market leaders from traditional and modern/ innovative industries rely on our steel. You too are welcome among the best in their branch.



Your added value. Our goal.

As an innovative steel supplier with a long tradition, we aim to provide our customers with high quality products. In doing so, we strive to be a holistic service provider and trusted partner. What does this mean for you and your business? Let's talk about it.